How Exact do You Get?

Grey One Nov 29, 2023

  1. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    I just spent way too much time, (I won't admit to how much time), to determine / confirm the height of a 6' person in 'HO'. In the end:
    3/4" = 6' (rounded down)
    1"= ~ 8'
    1.5" = 10'
    For me this works just fine.

    My goal was to help family and friends to wrap their heads around the scale. Most of my box cars will be about ~6"s long or ~40'.
    I've done my best to explain 'selective compression'. Only the step-daughter I live with gets it. That will help her have a 'feel' for when she paints the critters for the 'Longhorn Bison Ranch'.
    Overall detail is not significant to me but I recognize it is vital to others.

    When do you, (personally) compromise? When do you demand exact?
    gmorider and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  2. Bookbear1

    Bookbear1 TrainBoard Supporter

    For me, 'exact' is reserved for what is closest to me or anyone else viewing the layout. The further away, the 'looser' my standards are. As I have gotten older, I ascribe more and more to the adage, 'Do not let 'perfect' become the enemy of the 'good'(enough)'.
  3. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    You can be sure that 'Goodenough' is like family to me. Oh, wait, it actually is my family name. Yes, really, my father's, fathers, father's last name.

    Anyway, I like what you said about distance. I do believe I will apply that the the GandG. Visitors can get up close and personal to the yard. Not so much the two bridges in the back, (~8to~10' from viewer). I can see myself doing a detailed yard office and activity scene.
    Mike VE2TRV likes this.
  4. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Amen to that! It's like paint colors - close enough is good enough.

    On the subject of names, my family's name, mispronounced (like most people do around here :rolleyes:) and translated, means detail. Properly pronounced, it means up to the task.:cool:
    BNSF FAN and Grey One like this.
  5. minesweeper

    minesweeper TrainBoard Member

    There was an interesting article on MRH a few years ago from Joe Fugate, with different levels. The original point of it was to differentiate between trains “in motion” and still.
    I remember i was on the 1 foot distance with moving trains.
    Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.
  6. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    I strive for exact and settle for what works.
    Shortround, Mike VE2TRV and BNSF FAN like this.

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