NP Lester WA Depot Finished

rray Nov 16, 2019

  1. EMD F7A

    EMD F7A TrainBoard Member

    Rob, I've very recently circled back to Z scale after a few years hiatus (managed to buy back my old Loewy custom set!)... I sure could use a depot for the shelf layout I'm working on (desktop ain't great if you're chasing your own tailcar!). So if you do let this jewel of a depot go, keep me in mind! I'd be darn proud to have a Robert Ray structure on my layout :)

    Oh, and that second AZL F3 A unit will be Loewy green in a few days!

    Screen Shot 2019-11-30 at 7.31.51 AM.png
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  2. rray

    rray Staff Member

    Actually, I'm planning on cranking out about a dozen NP Depots, and another dozen NP structures of other types, so i have an assortment for my home layout. Here are the 3 combination freight passenger depots I have drawn up so far, and I am in the process of drawing up telegraph offices with living quarters right now. There were many remote station stops that did not have a depot, but had a telegraph office with living quarters for the station attendant. In almost every station stop location, there would also likely be a bunkhouse, fuel/coal bin, outhouse, and toolshed/speeder shed, but not necessarily a depot.

    ddechamp71, Kez, Chris333 and 2 others like this.
  3. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I need to get me some F3's to paint up in Lowey. I am so disappointed that AZL did not release an NP loco set in Lowey green, when they have everything else for a North Coast Limited or Mainstreeter train!

    PS: WHACHA burning, a CAO Cameroon? I'm on Punch Rare Corojo's and Onyx Reserve's these days.
    EMD F7A and Kurt Moose like this.
  4. EMD F7A

    EMD F7A TrainBoard Member

    Agreed that they're missing the boat (as of yet!) on the GN Empire Builder and NP Loewy locos... time will tell! But for now, that MTL set (and the Loewy 4-car runner pack arriving this month!) will need matching motive power, even if it's just splashed with two greens and a white stripe. We'd need decals to do it right... and the MTL F7's are cute but far too noisy for my taste!

    I've been smoking a ton of NUB sampler packs for the last couple years, if I go for a heavy hitter it's usually Camacho or Perdomo, maybe a Monte Cristo... love picking up oddities on my travels too. Example; Deadwood South Dakota has Deadwood Tobacco and they're a storied little place (once a brothel/opium den!)

    Come to Tahoe, my cigar room awaits!
  5. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I ordered a CBQ ABA set and WP A for repainting into Lowey Green, because AZL likes to push AB sets, and I already have two AB butterknife sets, so I already have an extra B unit for my butterknife ABA. I also ordered a 100 pack of Atlas flex, the AZL 1937 NP AAR boxcars 4pk, and NP Outside Braces boxcars 4pk in preparation for my NP layout. I gotta get some more AZL Mikados too, and see if I can superdetail them to NP prototypes, but need to figure out the longer smokebox and firebox mods first.

    I have the NP decals, I made up Lowey scheme decal sets about 10 years ago, I just have to find them. Everything is lost from the move.

    I painted these MTL F7's and use my decals on them. They don't run well though. I'm not super happy with the B unit lettering, I think it might be too big. The MTL painted B unit lowey is WAY TOO BIG:
    EMD F7A and Kurt Moose like this.
  6. EMD F7A

    EMD F7A TrainBoard Member

    Sharp! I'm in for a decal set or two, if they surface! Where'd you end up after the move? Somewhere near NP trackage, I hope! I have family in Bemidji MN and seeing the old GN ghost towns everywhere was amazing...
    rray likes this.
  7. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I'll hunt those decals down this winter. My garage is still a mess, and finding stuff is still hard, this is what I am trying to sort through, and I'm only about 1/4 the way through so far. I go so far, then find something, and get sidetracked doing something else:

    I'm in the Boise ID area, a couple hours from any old NP Track. The closest is the Camas Praire line, an old UP/NP joint venture, and about 4-5 hours away from the Yellowstone, and Idaho division trackage. I live along the UP OSL Boise Cutoff. I used to model UP, but I have to be difficult, so NP it is! :D
    EMD F7A likes this.

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