How much is to much z

mgatdog Feb 17, 2023

  1. mgatdog

    mgatdog TrainBoard Member

    This started with let’s see your work bench. Well I was doing some inventory and posted my photos on another thread. After finishing my inventory . I was thinking I have way to much freight and locomotives for one layout. I have 62 various loco’s . The layouts at some of the train shows doesn’t run probably half of what I have at one time. So do I need to cut back . lol
    What do you guys have? Hopefully more so when my wife see my inventory list and prices . She won’t complain that she could buy a nice car with what I spent over past 20+ years
  2. Kez

    Kez TrainBoard Member

    While looking at your pictures, I was thinking that was a cute little start on a collection, so no, you don't have too much yet. Not by my standards, at least. :LOL:
  3. JoeS

    JoeS TrainBoard Member

    I never thought about too much…always just get what I like when budget allows. So I got about 35 locomotives….I say about cause 4-5 are in parts for various projects repairs mistakes. Haha.

    I enjoy changing out locomotives to give a different look. I’m not a collector I run my stuff. It’s no fun seeing things mint in a box. I like to see them in action. I’ve never once worried or cared about resale value cause I wouldn’t have bought it if I was thinking of not keeping it. :D
  4. shamoo737

    shamoo737 Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    It’s too much when you buy stuff, and you never used it.
  5. Zscaleplanet

    Zscaleplanet TrainBoard Supporter

    I’ve been seriously “hoarding” Z for probably the past 10 years. I say seriously, because I really started pushing more budget towards items that were available at the time then. Loads of MTL rolling stock were on the market.

    But I’m super frugal as well. Scored many a rolling stock item over those years for $5, $10, $12 and occasionally a little over $20 for items I just couldn’t live without.:rolleyes:

    Rolling stock, maybe 250 units
    Locos - 30 units or so
    Structures, vehicles, accessories - no idea

    However, have never taken the time to sit down and inventory my hoard of treasure.

    Hmmmm maybe for insurance purposes I should. Maybe we all should…….
    ZosoRailway, CNE1899 and mgatdog like this.
  6. tjdreams

    tjdreams TrainBoard Member

    I agree with Bryan 62 loco's and a couple storage boxes full of rolling stock that just the beginnings of a nice Little collection. You can never have too many Z scale trains. Well ok lets be reasonable when the number of trains in your collection exceeds 5 digits and you have to rent a 2nd 2 car Gurage just to store them you still wont have too many trains. Its your house and your layout they are both too small.

    Seriously though You do not need to cut back or sell what you have. You never know things could change and you may decide to enlarge your current layout or build another one. You bought what you have for a reason you liked and wanted them. Where as Z scale is concerned I'll bet half of what you have is no longer available as New and some of it will be hard to find even on the 2nd hand market. Unless you really don't like or want them any more Keep what you have. Pull it out run it and enjoy playing with your Trains. Just be a little more selective and only buy what you intend to run or collect in the future. I have around 400 locos and well over 1000 pieces of Rolling stock in Z scale, Add in my HO and O gauge stuff and I am well over the 2K mark. And with the exception of maybe 2 dozen pieces which were bought for their collectable value I will and have put every one of them on the track and ran them.
    ZosoRailway, Kez, mgatdog and 2 others like this.
  7. mgatdog

    mgatdog TrainBoard Member

    That’s true in some ways. lol
  8. mgatdog

    mgatdog TrainBoard Member

    Wow , TJ I would like to see your collection. 400 loco’s ,1000 in rolling stock and I thought I had to much.‍ lol
  9. rray

    rray Staff Member

    Well, I hate to burst your bubbles, but you guys are ALL BABY FOOD! I'm talking entry life level NURSING FORMULA! You don't know what too much really is!

    I have WAY WAY TOO MUCH Z! I personally have more new unused stuff on the shelf than I can ever realistically use, and I don't know why? I just started collecting Z, I seen it, I bought it. I forgot I had something so I bought some more. Then I wanted to make sure I had some for a rainy day, in case I no longer had a job to afford more, so I BOUGHT MORE YET!

    And eventually I am going to kick the bucket, take the last train out, and my kids are going to flood the Z Scale market, and prices are going to fall to mere pennies per hundred dollars of value.

    I have a dozen DCC systems, hundreds and hundreds of locos, thousands of cars, hundreds of etched brass kits unbuilt, and several dozen built, hundreds of plastic and laser kits, boxes upon boxes of scenery materials, detail parts, etc. I have boxes of hundreds of sticks of track from MTL, Marklin, Peco, Peter Wright, Rokuhan, Pro Z, and other no-name Asian makers of days past.

    I have train related electronics, raw materials to build literally thousands of laser kits. I have 2 CO2 lasers and a Fiber laser so I can make my own cars and structures, yes, my sever addiction goes well beyond the Z Scale trains from other manufacturers themselves, and extends into tools to do the job myself. Lets just say the only things I cannot do are Injection Molding, 3D Rapid Prototype, and Spin Casting, but all else I have developed from limited to extensive skills to make what I want myself. Other than that I reach out to the skilled and offer trades to feed my addiction, yes it's and addiction, and he who dies with the most toys DOES NOT WIN, HE LOOSES THE MOST TOYS. I know this, but there is nobody to stop me! HELP!









    ZosoRailway, ZFRANK, MMR283 and 8 others like this.
  10. bostonjim

    bostonjim TrainBoard Member

    Holy cannoli!!! I'm not sure we could even fit all that stuff in our home. I certainly wouldn't be living with my wife if I did. Seriously, that is quite a habit. Personally, my collection is overstocked with Marklin American starter sets of various road names, all of which I don't anticipate using now that I know a bit more about what I'm doing. I've kept several steam locos and converted them to NH livery. I've converted a dozen or so Marklin tank cars to MTL couplers as well as several gondolas. Other than these pieces, none of my Marklin rolling stock and F7 locos have a home in my scheme of things. I have only two MTL F7's, both with the late Glen Chenier's handiwork, including LED lighting, a NYC and a PRR. I am now focusing only on NH locos. Pickings are always slim on that line. Building is my favorite part of the hobby. I really don't know a whole lot about running trains. I've never had an operating layout and have only seen one operating Z layout. I dabble in a couple of other things, as well. I don't know if there is a support group for guys with your affliction. I think you are on your own. Jim
    Zscaleplanet and CNE1899 like this.
  11. rvn2001

    rvn2001 TrainBoard Member

    To everyone who feels like they have too much Z scale. I accept any and all donations of whatever you feel you have too much of.
  12. Kez

    Kez TrainBoard Member

    Clearly not in the same league as Mr. Ray out there in Idaho, but I have a slight excess in inventory nonetheless. Hard to compare actual volume, as mine are 95% out of cases and in jewelry storage for show running and transport. And I'm currently adding ANOTHER soft case, so everything is a bit scattered at the moment. Plus another 50+ locomotives (which I DO still keep in jewel cases) in the tackle boxes, with all kinds of bits and pieces that have no other home at the moment. The top of the left tackle box is just tools, show supplies, etc.

    20230219_162228.jpg 20230219_162251.jpg 20230219_164404.jpg
    ZosoRailway, rray, MMR283 and 5 others like this.
  13. mgatdog

    mgatdog TrainBoard Member

    Holly sh#t ! What a collection there Mr Ray. I like to know if you have a couple locomotives that I’m looking for,you may have extra that you may part with.
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  14. rray

    rray Staff Member

    I have been talking about thinning the collection a bit. I want to get out of all my modern stuff. Also, I really only want to keep NP stuff with some pacific northwest cars a light sprinkling of selected colorful cars, but all NP locos with maybe a couple UP and GN locos.
    MMR283, mgatdog, bostonjim and 3 others like this.
  15. Zscaleplanet

    Zscaleplanet TrainBoard Supporter

    …you need and intervention…..:D:ROFLMAO::D

    On a serious note, though — insured? I have another hobby that I’ve insured. Costs me about $250 additional per year, but worth it if I have a total loss.
    CNE1899, bostonjim and Kurt Moose like this.
  16. tjdreams

    tjdreams TrainBoard Member

    And here I thought I had a Train Addiction Problem.
    I only have a few file boxes and a dozen HF cases full of Structure Kits, Vehicles, Figures, and other such scenery supplies stashed away for when I retire





    MMR283, Zscaleplanet, rray and 3 others like this.
  17. Svein-Martin Holt

    Svein-Martin Holt TrainBoard Member

    Now I know where all the Miller Engineering kits have gone. :)
    Good collection.
    ZosoRailway, rray, Kurt Moose and 3 others like this.
  18. Bruce Block

    Bruce Block TrainBoard Member

    I know this is all in fun but...
    Is it possible that "collecting" limits access to our hobby given the small runs of items in Z? Will the future value of these collections actually decrease as a result of improvements in 3D printing? Can we start to leak these wonderful inventory items onto the market to realize present value and entice new Z fanatics?
    MMR283, Zscaleplanet, rray and 2 others like this.
  19. mgatdog

    mgatdog TrainBoard Member


    Your right ,need to add a rider to my policy.
    Zscaleplanet likes this.
  20. mgatdog

    mgatdog TrainBoard Member


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