Digikeijs Bankruptcy

BigJake May 9, 2023

  1. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    I've seen a few messages elsewhere recently on the web about Digikeijs' bankruptcy as of April 18, 2023, but nothing here on TrainBoard(?)

    Anybody know what's going on?

    From what I understand, the bankruptcy type is the equivalent of a US Chapter 7 bankruptcy (dissolution and liquidation of assets to pay debtors), but not really sure.

    Apparently YaMoRC was the developer/supplier for many of Digikeijs' DCC system accessory products, and is now selling at least some of those products under their own name at Iron Planet Hobbies (though they all appear to be out of stock,) and possibly other retailers.
  2. RCMan

    RCMan TrainBoard Member

    They will be available later this month at iron plane hobbies.

    YamoRC is the Engineer from Digikeijs that started his own business.

    You can go to https://groups.io/g/Digikeijs which will be a forum for both Digikeijs and YaMoRC

    This name will be changing in the near future to reflect the new YaMoRC Products.

    YaMoRC stands for " Yet another Model Railroad Company"
    BigJake likes this.
  3. BigJake

    BigJake TrainBoard Member

    Just checked out their website (yamorc.de), and it is promising. Karst Drenth (the ex-Digikeijs design engineer, and founder of YaMoRC) has a compelling story and dedication to quality. He seems to be correcting a lot of lessons he learned at his former employer.

    I'm a little disappointed he's not leaning forward into LCC, but getting his new firm off the ground may not allow for that just yet. But at least they're strong on RailCom (as most European systems are.)

    From reading between the lines, I get the impression that the Keij family drove Digikeijs into the ground. That's sad, but not uncommon in family owned businesses, once the energetic/visionary founder cedes control to the heirs.

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