Well It Happened...I Came Down With The ON30 Virus.

Martin Station Jun 7, 2022

  1. Martin Station

    Martin Station TrainBoard Member

    I am an N scaler. I have a N scale layout that I'm working on and love N scale. But...I went to the LHS last week to pick up a new N scale box car that I had ordered and there on the counter was a Bachmann 0-4-2 Porter that looked like brand new. It was love at first sight. I asked about it and the owner had purchased it along with some other things so I asked, how much? He gave me an outstanding price and upon a closer look I seen it was DCC and Sound equipped! He said he tested it and everything ran good and he had a lot of fun running it. I tried it out when I got home and was like a kid on Christmas morning.
    I now have ordered a three car set of Bachmann Side Dump cars which should be enough for now and will start planning a small portable switching layout to run it on. I'm not planning on switching scales anytime soon but I'm looking forward having some fun with it when I can.
    Has anyone here had one of these Porters or the Side Dump cars? And if so how did you like them?
    Thanks, Ralph
    JoeTodd, k3ndawg, Kurt Moose and 3 others like this.
  2. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member


    A Forney by any other name is still a tank engine.
    JoeTodd, gmorider and Martin Station like this.
  3. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    I nearly had the same problem with traction. I gritted my teeth and moved on with what I am doing. :oops:
  4. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    I can see how that could happen. I attended the national Narrow Gauge convention before the pandemic and was mighty impressed with what I saw there and on the tours. If my eyes and or hands get to where I can't do N scale anymore Narrow Gauge in a larger scale could be an alternative.
    JoeTodd and Martin Station like this.
  5. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I had some On30. I just did not have enough space available, but it was some very good fun for me. (y)
    JoeTodd and Martin Station like this.
  6. Martin Station

    Martin Station TrainBoard Member

    I'm 64 and retired from an automotive plant where I worked inspection my last nine years there. My eyes got a very good workout while doing that and my vision is still pretty good but unlike N scale I find I don't need the OptiSight magni-visor when working with details. Plus it's a new adventure.
    JoeTodd and nscalestation like this.
  7. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    GM Evansville Assembly ? You may have inspected or worked on my last 2 Silverados. Both been great trucks.
  8. Martin Station

    Martin Station TrainBoard Member

    Toyota, Princeton. We started with the Tundra then Sequoia, Highlander and Sienna mini-van.
    nscalestation likes this.
  9. Danny B

    Danny B New Member

    I've got one of the porters running on my layout. Mine didn't come with sound, so I took the chassis from it and rebuilt it into a saddle-tank engine with enough space for a decoder, keepalive module and speaker. I've found that it runs well, and it's serving as one of the yard switchers on my layout.

    I've also got three of the side dump cars running. They're a bit lighter than my other freight cars, due to their size, but I haven't had any issues with them.
    JoeTodd, Martin Station and BoxcabE50 like this.

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