eBay Lifelike Prices?

KWE Dec 26, 2023

  1. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Scarcity is the main driving point for high prices on collectables, but the price gouging goes way beyond scarce items. Some very common items are listed at premium prices. Many of the older Lifelike likes are selling at higher prices than some Atlas and Kato units. The only way for customers to battle the price gouging is to ignore the marked-up units. If they do not sell, the seller is left with a choice of either lowering the price point or removing the item for sale.

    I had an email exchange with a seller on the 118.00 price tag on her Lifelike unit. It was a cordial conversation, as I do not want to tell anyone what to do, I just gave the seller my opinion on the price point and was asking her if she would budge.

    Her response:
    Thank you for your research. I see that not only me is expensive. Also my shipping is chipper.
    All people want offers. When I will write small price, anyway I should give the discount.
    Then why I’m selling here..? Pay fee to eBay, and make a gift for people.
    It’s my work, it’s not Charitable Organization.
    And I don’t want to ofend you.
    Thank you again.


    So 118.00 is a small price in her mind. Her response clearly tells me she has no idea what she is doing. If this trend continues I will only purchase new units from Kato, Atlas, and Scale trains. For the extra 30.00 dollars I get a new DCC ready better running unit.
  2. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    In what country was that item? From their English it almost sounds like it might of been a scam. They do have one point and that is eBay is charging more and more all the time so they take a big bite.

  3. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    She is listed as shipping from the USA.
    BNSF FAN and Hardcoaler like this.
  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I agree. The response is composed such that a reader cannot help but think it is a foreign national.
    308GTSi and Hardcoaler like this.
  5. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Keep in mind folks that not everyone in the US speaks fluent English. Sofia is definitely a USA based seller Located in: Clearwater, Florida, United States.
    her eBay name is Trains Dept56
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  6. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    While some potential eBay buyers have had luck with educating Sellers, most Sellers can't distinguish between a helpful Buyer and a crook. It explains why we see the same items reposted on eBay for years without selling.

    As a Seller some years ago, some of the messages I exchanged with potential Buyers were rude beyond belief. These guys were out to buy good locomotives at half their proper worth and got downright nasty when I turned them down. After cussing me out, one guy signed off with "GOOD LUCK IN GETTING THAT!". And I did, plus 10% more on all three units.
    BNSF FAN likes this.
  7. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Yes, I get it that some people want something for nothing. I have been selling on eBay since somewhere around 2000. I completely understand the ups and downs of that particular market. I do not sell trains, I mostly sell rare and hard to find music books, mostly guitar tab.

    As I stated earlier, I will spend the extra 30.00 on a brand new DCC ready unit from Kato, or Scale Trains long before forking out 120.00 on an older Lifelike unit. I would say about 75 to 80% of the Lifelike units I have purchased all needed some kind of work or maintenance before they became decent runners. 120.00 is a place I will never venture on such a unit unless it was very scarce.

    The market will never change as long as there are those willing to purchase at premium prices on price gouged stuff such as this. It only takes one agreeable buyer to purchase a marked-up item. Once a seller sees that a unit will sell at such a price, most seller will follow suit and start jacking up their prices.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  8. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    Another trend I noticed recently is "lots"........yes, lots have always existed, but what I'm seeing is BIG lots. And at prices that are what I would pay for new cars. Yes, I might pop on 5 cars for $100, but I'm seeing lots of 50+ cars..........still only $20 per car, which is reasonable, but I don't have an extra $1000 laying around. Same for locos..........5 Kato locos for $600 is a relatively good price ($120 per loco) but I don't really want to spend the $600 because usually there's only 1 or 2 locos in the lot that I'm interested in.
    308GTSi and Hardcoaler like this.
  9. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    This country was founded and formed by many nationalities and languages. It is returning to that further formation. I have difficulty understand many here in Northeast Wisconsin. And have been criticized for my accent picked up in the Army and my parents are Dutch/Belgian.
    KWE likes this.
  10. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    I went to Trains DPT56 store and to me most of the prices are quite a bit higher than for a similar item elsewhere. They do have a high positive rating so some must be OK with the prices. I'm not familiar with prices for other scales. Or they more in line with those?

    They have a N scale SD7 for $120. Doing a search on eBay for SD7's I found a lot in the $50 to $80 range but some where also over $120. Solution for me would be I probably wouldn't spend much time on the store's site.

    If they want to put the higher price on it, fine with me and maybe it isn't a hobby for them but a business. Personally I'd hate to be buying and selling used train items to actually make a living. If the business model works for them then I can see why they stick with it. If it doesn't then they will probably change but I'll just move on.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  11. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Well, I would venture to say that the problem is not the seller it is the consumer willing to buy at any price, this is what keeps prices jacked up. The seller most likely follows the 'sold' listings and list her stuff accordingly.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  12. KWE

    KWE TrainBoard Member

    Yes, it sure was. My father's side of the family landed here in 38. They were fleeing Sweden fearing the inevitable war that was brewing on European soil. My great Grandfather feared Russia most of all and wanted to be certain his family was safe. My mother's side of the family basically did the same thing, but they left Ireland for American shores.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  13. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    In my case I am grateful for what I *can* have. It is ironic that many of my favorite locomotives became available just as I was cutting way back and then switched scales.
    My beautiful Hiawatha set? My 8 sets of shinkansen? My unit trains of Atlas 'beer can' tank cars? 10s, 100s?, of freight cars? Sigh, I have to part with / sell them.

    Now I have in HO 1/10 to 1/2 of what I had in 'N'.
    Maybe you could say I'm 'complacent'.
    I say I am grateful.

    Life goes on.
    Hardcoaler likes this.
  14. Des Moines Rocket

    Des Moines Rocket TrainBoard Member

    This is a great thread, and thanks to all who are sharing. I myself model in N Scale, and I have found the Life Like locomotives to be pretty good runners. Also, that manufacturer made some models which I love, but not available anywhere else. Hello...Erie Builts! At any rate, I have not been able to convert all of them to DCC as of yet, as the ones with the solid metal block chassis look to take a bunch of milling to make them compatible and leave room for a speaker. I'd be interested to hear of any others' successes on doing so.

    I'd also like to echo the earlier sentiment posted on this thread, regarding Spookshow, and locomotive ratings/information. Indeed a fantastic resource! Kind of like Discogs for vinyl records, but THAT is a different topic.
  15. MRLdave

    MRLdave TrainBoard Member

    I'm certainly glad I bought a lot of what I have back when prices were "reasonable". If I was trying to build a fleet now, I would likely spend at least 10 times what I have invested.........which probably means a lot smaller fleet. I still buy new stuff, but it better be something I NEED, not just something I want. And my list of "wants " is getting smaller and is pretty much limited to Milwaukee Road.........I'd buy a 2-8-0, or a 4-8-4 in a heartbeat, and I'll most likely buy the Olympian Hiawatha from Kato when they get around to releasing the UP paint scheme. Also maybe an H10 or H12-44 if anyone ever does one. But I have over 100 boxcars (milw) and equal numbers of most other cars (plus a lot of cars for other RRs), so the chances of me buying more gets smaller all the time..........unless the price is in the bargain basement range........and the prices seem to be going the other way.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    Shortround and KWE like this.
  16. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    I'm in total agreement. I have a small collection of N and HO but, feel it will likely stay that way. I was retired 20 years ago and lost my pensions and career.
    So the layout will be small and fit into an apartment.

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