HO Scale - What's On Your Workbench?

RDGbuff56 Nov 17, 2009

  1. Jeff Vass

    Jeff Vass TrainBoard Member

    Found this old Thomas the Tank Engine while digging around in some old totes today. I forgot I even had it. It's from back when my kids were little. So I had to throw an old decoder in it for my youngest grandson. I think it has a cracked gear somewhere because it's kind of clunky. But It runs, and my grandson is going to love it. Heck, it's already one of my favorite loco's already.


    fordy744, BNSF FAN, BoxcabE50 and 3 others like this.
  2. MichaelClyde

    MichaelClyde TrainBoard Member

    Worth some BIG BUCKS! I've the "Adventure Railway" set on the PC kids love it!
    gjslsffan, BNSF FAN and Jeff Vass like this.
  3. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Decals on and satin/flat coat applied. She's not screwed to the chassis yet since, I'm going to swap out for a NWSL motor and flywheel.

    IMG_1335.jpg IMG_1334.jpg
  4. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Better and better!(y) Can't wait to see her run.

    She makes that Alco in the background look small in comparison.
    gjslsffan and BNSF FAN like this.
  5. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Yeah it's definitely a big loco. The Alco in the background is an older brass model. Been working assembly line style with painting and decaling some projects, so had a couple projects on the docket lined up for decals. Also noticed the eccentric rod was missing from the back set of drivers. The rivet came loose and was laying on the workbench. All fixed now! Working on some tender detailing and need to make some window frames. Probably finish up within the week.

  6. jwaldo

    jwaldo TrainBoard Member


    I figured I’d take apart the RS-11 shell and see what it’ll take to repaint it. Turns out the previous owner cemented everything together very, very well. I’ve hacked and pried and and frozen and ground as much as I’m comfortable with, and the cab (and rear light pipe) just ain’t budging without destroying something.

    At this point I’m tempted to track down a less gluey shell. Are the newer Chinese-made ‘Atlas Classic’ parts compatible with the older Kato-made mechanism? This thing runs about as nicely as any loco I’ve seen, and I’d love to get it into service properly.
  7. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    I have a couple of RS11s in my stable (one's a "yellow-box" and the other an Atlas Classic), and a gaggle (seven!) of RS3s too. The insides look a lot like the RS3, including the tabs at the ends of the shells to snap it into place. There shouldn't be any problem fitting a newer shell onto the old chassis, barring unexpected tolerance variations.

    Those Atlas-Kato engines are just great! :) Smooth and quiet runners, all pull about the same, and don't draw excessive current, which is fun for making impressive multiple loco consists with these beauties, even on DC.
    gjslsffan and jwaldo like this.
  8. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Pretty much done with the loco but still working on the tender. NWSL motor installed but there just wasn't enough room to use the flywheel without hacking the bottom of the cab. With the shell off, I tried it with and without the flywheel and i personally couldn't tell any difference, so no loss there. Runs very smooth and quiet. The windows were cast out of clear resin and are a little thick. I might change them down the road but they'll suffice for now.
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  9. jwaldo

    jwaldo TrainBoard Member

    Good to know, thanks! I'll keep an eye out for a Classic shell. I see they've even taken care of the grab irons for me in the update.

    Same in N; Kato made lots of renowned locos for Atlas, Con-Cor et al. before they finally started selling them under their own name. I'm not as familiar with the timeline in HO but as soon as I saw an older Atlas box my two remaining brain cells started buzzing. Once I turned the over and confirmed the Kato stamp on the bottom the sale was as good as made.
    Mike VE2TRV and gjslsffan like this.
  10. jwaldo

    jwaldo TrainBoard Member

    When you look that good you don't need a flywheel to be smooth :ROFLMAO:
  11. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Soooo...She's just about done. Making some headlight lenses out of clear epoxy and need to add coal load and coupler but that's about it. I don't actually have a working HO layout. Just a foldaway 4x8' in the garage with a loop of O, HO, N, and Z test tracks. I do have a mostly complete N scale layout but with the eyes and hands getting older, building HO scale kits are my relaxation. Within the last couple years, I've lost my Dad, Mom, sis diagnosed with cancer, and two (neither my fault) car accidents. My hobbies keep me sane and help me disconnect for a little while.

    IMG_1350.jpg IMG_1352.jpg
    fordy744, JoeTodd, RGW and 6 others like this.
  12. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    That is sweet!:)

    I hear you there, brother. Between the rat race, insane traffic, and every other problem assailing us daily, that disconnect is far beyond necessary.

    It's essential.
    JimmyZ likes this.
  13. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Agreed! Just need some more of it. At least what I can afford.
    Mike VE2TRV and JimmyZ like this.
  14. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Couldn't agree more. Appreciate all the support with this build!
    Mike VE2TRV likes this.
  15. Jeff Vass

    Jeff Vass TrainBoard Member

    I have always thought that Digitrax not putting on/off switches on their DT series throttles was one of the stupidest things in model railroading. I know it's a little thing, but it has always bothered me. So, after years of threatening to do so, I cleaned off the workbench and added a switch to the top of each of my throttles. No more batteries laying around. they can now stay in the throttles until they need charging.

    The switch I used is from Digikey and the part number is CKC5106-ND. I cut out a small section of the throttles top plate for the switches pins to go through, and soldered the switch into the positive wire from the battery. I had to extend the wire to make it long enough, for this I used some 30 gauge wire. The final step was Attaching the switch to the top of the throttle with a little CA glue. It may not be pretty but it works.


    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    fordy744, JimmyZ and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  16. Jeff Vass

    Jeff Vass TrainBoard Member

    That looks amazing.
    JimmyZ and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  17. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Thank you!!!
    Mike VE2TRV likes this.
  18. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    Very enjoyable watching you build and repair this locomotive. Sure turned out nice. I would like to see what it will pull up a 1.5% grade. That boiler has to weigh quite a bit.
    JimmyZ and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  19. RGW

    RGW TrainBoard Member

    Great work Jimmy!

    JimmyZ, gjslsffan and Mike VE2TRV like this.
  20. JimmyZ

    JimmyZ TrainBoard Member

    Thank you. It's a pretty heavy loco with all of the weight resting on the rear drivers. The weight of the frame is the only thing that really gives the front drivers any traction. Since, I made it out of Milliput, it's a little lighter than it could be and there's nowhere to hide any weights on it. Not really sure how much it would pull but I would still think she's got some torque behind her weight.
    Mike VE2TRV likes this.

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