athearn bombardier + f59 commuter sets

b-16707 Feb 26, 2011

  1. b-16707

    b-16707 TrainBoard Member

    anyone catch glimpse of this? i was just browsing around some sites today and what a shock to see these (the cars) re-released! since i came late into the game, i missed out on the caltrain set so heres my chance! im looking forward to see if true line trains will make the MPI loco!!!! i guess ill have to settle for a fantasy loco for now but im very excited nonetheless that athearn is giving a chance at the caltrain again.

    Athearn - Product Search

    since they are re-releasing other bombardier cars (separately, not in the sets), i wonder why they didnt include caltrain on the list.
  2. ChicagoNW

    ChicagoNW E-Mail Bounces

    Let True-Line Trains know that you want a Caltran MPX. They need to know.

    Remember contact True Line Trains to get a N scale version.
    Here is there contact information:

    True Line Trains
    445 Edgeley Blvd
    Unit #1
    L4K 4G1 Canada
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. b-16707

    b-16707 TrainBoard Member

    i saw your old thread, already submitted to them a long time ago.
  4. ChicagoNW

    ChicagoNW E-Mail Bounces

    That's all I ask.
  5. NikkiB

    NikkiB TrainBoard Member

    I have several of the first run engines and cars. Be warned that these engines are a "bit fiddly" to convert to DCC.

  6. ChicagoNW

    ChicagoNW E-Mail Bounces

    The first generation of F59s were not designed for DCC. This new release can come with a Tsunami sound decoder so I think these will be more friendly to other decoders.
  7. jnevis

    jnevis TrainBoard Supporter

    Just in time to compete with Kato's Intercity Amtrak sets.
    Might consider the Cal Train. Layout isbecoming more "proto-lance" anyway. Cal Train, ACE (once they release them in n) , Amtrak Cal. and Amtrak all at the same station with the WP Zephyr, El Cap and Super Chief.......
  8. Traindork

    Traindork TrainBoard Member

    I ordered the Railrunner loco and cars about a year ago from Athearn. The cars came in, and it was a nervous 5-6 months waiting for the loco. I like the idea of selling them in sets like this, and if they'd announced a Texas set I'd definately get it.
  9. subwayaz

    subwayaz TrainBoard Member

    Traindork; I'm with you I purchased the cars some months ago and just picked up the loco with sound/DCC.
    I like the new idea of selling the trains in sets
  10. temp

    temp TrainBoard Member

    I normally model Japanese so I have gotten to like sets as well, though at the same time that has also raised my expectations about what is possible for the price point:

    Cab car directional lighting. A $0.50 lightboard with 2 LEDs is standard on what I model, as is pickup built in for all cars (some even have a spot for Kato's drop in FL12 decoder). It looks like a major project to convert the Athearn cab car to run in push mode (or even show the tail lights).

    Locomotive directional lighting. I'm still not sure if the locomotive's red lights actually work (or how to activate them), due to Athearn selling a $200 DCC sound equipped locomotive with only a generic instruction page (it has instructions for steam on it!). The promised F59PHI online manual was not on the web last I looked, and since Athearn went and remapped everything, the function keys don't match the Tsunami manual at all (I had a hell of time thinking I had misconfigured the brakes). Again this puts a damper on running in push configuration.

    Complete prototype. The GO train operates in a 10 car configuration. While I do financially like Athearn's "sampler" setup of 1 car sold seperately, the rest in a set, it grinds me that I can't buy the complete set. I used to having the choice of just buying the basic set, or buying the addon sets that complete the prototypical setup.

    Body mounted close couplers. I fully understand this part - it's a rerun using existing tooling. In Japan you get the same thing, reruns of older sets have various truck mounted couplers, unlike the newest Kato sets with body mounted telescoping close couplers. What gets me though is how big the gap is - what possible reason do I have for running an 85' car on 8" curves (yes, because of the long couplers it will do it). Even Kato designs for 12" curves (and Tomix, lovers of tiny curves, designs for 11") when making their 85' Shinkansen cars - the overhang is just too much for small curves.

    Low friction metal wheels - they are metal, but as usual Athearn somehow made metal wheels with more friction then plastic ones. Mine actually make a grinding noise!

    And yes, having the locomotive months after the cars is just the icing on the cake. Why not run the locomotive first? Or save on overseas shipping by doing them at the same time? Going back to Japan, when Kato/Tomix/anyone puts out a new passenger set or locomotive (or is rerunning on), they'll also rerun (or have a new) matching locomotive or passenger set to go with it the same day.

    I had to have the GO train so I bought it anyway (just as I'd buy a TTC ICTS set, the Scarborough RT, even if it was made by Con Cor), but apart from someone elses $100 sound decoder I felt that I got early 90s quality for 2010s prices. That's not a way to get any repeat business.
  11. ChicagoNW

    ChicagoNW E-Mail Bounces

    You forgot to mention that the locomotive is incorrect and painted in a fantasy scheme.

    Richmond Controls make lighting kits including headlight/taillights. The red lights on the loco on the original release did not light up.
  12. Mart

    Mart TrainBoard Member

    How's the sound of the loco and how does it run?

    The go transit locomotive is the wrong model but the paint seems correct for the MP40 locomotive GO uses.
  13. temp

    temp TrainBoard Member

    The sound is great (it's a $100 decoder after all) even though I never found diesel sound to that much fun to listen to - steam and traction have actual character and relate to what the locomotive is actually doing. While I prefer the volume lower because I have very strong hearing it can be turned up loud enough for anyone. There are some tweaks you can do to add character, like setting up automatic break squeal tied to momentum. The bells are great too.

    The one downside, as I already explained, is that Athearn went a remapped everything but didn't publish a manual yet. The Tsunami reference manual provides an endless list of adjustments, but even trying a few turned out to be frustrating because I couldn't tell when either I was doing something wrong, the decoder wasn't taking the settings, or the function had just been remapped. That's one last thing - I could not program an address (it comes set to 03, not the number on the side) without turning on blast mode programming (lucky I have the new Zephyr)

    It runs relatively smooth, though it isn't doing anything in that department that a DCC equipped Bachmann doesn't do these days.

    I'm not a big fan of the shell finish - there is metal frame exposed near the trucks (blends in with some paint schemes, but it stands out with the GO green). I'm not completely sold on the finish either - it's neither the dull you usually want on a model, or the shiny wax finish that GO and others actually apply to their passenger locos. It most closely resembles my Model Power F7s actually.

    The final bit is the sound of the motor - not the diesel one, the electric one. My hearing is more sensitive, especially at higher frequencies, then most my age, so even Atlas and Kato engines are not truly silent. But this one is definitely not up in the Atlas or Kato range, and as you ramp up the speed I found the electric motor sound started to compete with the speaker, and this was after I turned the volume back up for the benefit of some observers with senior citizen ears.

    However I'm only really getting the negative, and I since I mostly model Japanese prototypes made for that market my perceptions are not well tuned for what is good or bad in North America. That said I bought a Bachmann 44 tonner at the same time and I was much more impressed with the shell on that, it simply lacked sound and the nice smooth lights on/off effect.
  14. CSX Robert

    CSX Robert TrainBoard Member

    The problem with the wheels is that they are inside bearing trucks. I think they could have gotten less friction than what they did, maybe by using metal-to-metal contact like Kato's new Amfleets, but I don't see anyway they could have gotten near as little friction as neddle point axles.
  15. Grey One

    Grey One TrainBoard Supporter

    I like the idea and if I didn't already have enough, (is that possible), stuff coming in the fall I would have placed an order.

    It was a hard lesson but I have learned:

    • Don't order one of everything
    • If it sells well it will be re-released
    • If I don't have it and I'm happy then I probably don't need it.
    Still, I sure did want that "Road Runner" :)
  16. Mart

    Mart TrainBoard Member

    Thanks for youre reply, I am reciving mij GO set in a few days, so I will see it life.
    I hope it will run with mij roco multimause, mij BLI E8 doesn't.

    Wow, I think this is a wise lesson.:tb-smile:

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