WP GP35 Rear Lights

Andy S Feb 15, 2020

  1. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    Attached is a picture of the GP35 formerly known as WP 3008. I'm trying to model the loco, but I'm flummoxed by the bulbous rear light. Can anyone shed some light (yes, pun intended) on identifying this light, so I can begin the search of trying to find one in S Scale.



    Attached Files:

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  2. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member

    They do make for unique looking geeps.


    They weren't just used on GP35s, nor just used on the back. They are single-beam headlights, and were made by Pyle National.
    Kurt Moose and gmorider like this.
  3. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member


    Thank you! The info is much appreciated

  4. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member


    I just uploaded a few recent pix I took... They provide a much better image of the light in question... actually DUAL beams. Care to take a stab at this one? Perhaps a conversion for dual beams of the same Pyle lamp housing? BTW.... This was WP3012



    WAMX3508_10.jpg Rear Light.jpg
    gmorider, Kurt Moose and BNSF FAN like this.
  5. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member

    Yes, that's a standard dual sealed beam conversion, used even on Mars oscillators and steam locomotives.



    Presumably the WP paid extra for the single beams, then paid their shops to convert them later. Guess that wasn't their most brilliant idea.

    I noticed the WP also converted engines to dual sealed beam by removing the extended housing and making their geeps look normal. I think I saw one or two where the housing was removed from one end before the other. Or maybe they were all like WAMX 3508, with a cleaner conversion on the front than on the back.
    gmorider likes this.
  6. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    As for the Front end of that particular loco, the head lights where originally Dual Beams on the short hood AND the top of the cab? I haven't seen any historical pix of a single beam on the front of WP3012 WAMX 3508_00.jpg WP3012.jpg ... but that's not to say they didn't mod it twice :)
    Kurt Moose and gjslsffan like this.
  7. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member

    Maybe not. But she had sisters...



    Some had higher unit numbers.



    And while the 55 year old 3012/3508's current number box assembly shows no sign of once having accommodated a headlight that size, it doesn't look bone stock GP35 either.

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    gmorider, Kurt Moose and BNSF FAN like this.
  8. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member


    You're absolutely correct! Far from bone stock GP35! Looks like WP had some pretty specific specs they wanted EMD to deliver.

    I was hoping to get some pilot plow action last week, after getting dumped with 16 inches of snow. I ended up talking with the track clearing crew, it seems they like to clear most of the deep stuff first.


    As I looked at the photo I started to think... the headlights on that Cat look familiar :)

    Thanks so much for the info on WP headlight questions... it's MUCH appreciated!!!

    In another post I had asked about the "box" on the turbo stack (1st pic is best)...I wondered if it was an ungainly spark arrestor (on a turbo?) or a rain cover for storage. I understand that boxes are often added to the stacks for storage. Then the covers are removed and its just easier to leave the box attacked. Any thoughts?

    Thanks again for the reply and the GREAT info!!!

    gmorider and Kurt Moose like this.
  9. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member

    I have been watching this thread, and there is some great info being shown here. It seems those barrel type HL's were common on WP 1rst gen EMD's.
    Then some early 2nd gen Geeps came with same, I bet those barrel HL's looked like the sun coming at you, I mean what a light huh?
    S scale I dont know very much about as far as available detail parts is concerned. 25 years ago I would be more confident to tell you where they may be found. Many, many detail mfgr's have gone out of bidness, as most folks nowadays cringe at the thought of actually building, painting, or detailing a model, whatever scale.
    I would propose, that your better of scratch building these parts in S scale by using Evergreen Styrene pipe, sanded and fit to place with available HL castings.
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  10. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    I agree, the likelihood of finding the exact detail is unlikely, and scratch build with styrene is a good option. BTS does have the barrel light in brass, they also have a dual headlight detail... my current intent is to take a look at modifying the barrel lamp with the dual detail... WP did it, why cant I . The tough part will be drilling it all out for the SM LEDs, but that’s just a matter of time and patience.

  11. Andy S

    Andy S TrainBoard Member

    Just a quick follow-up post for anyone interested in this thread, the final solution to the modeling question was scratch built from styrene and an SSA dual beam plate. Still working on the kit bash of the American Models GP35 (S Scale), but it's getting closer to completion.

    Andy IMG_4704.JPG IMG_4702.JPG
    gmorider, HemiAdda2d and Kurt Moose like this.
  12. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    3D printing is also a source of parts. There's a group of talented CAD folk and 3D printing resources here on TB in the 3D forum in the modeling section.
  13. wpsnts

    wpsnts TrainBoard Supporter

    WP called them "Barrel" headlights.
    An outfit named "Sunrise Enterprises" made them at one time. They are now out of business. They do show up occasionally on the Bay and at swap meets. You might also look into "Miniatures by Eric".
  14. acptulsa

    acptulsa TrainBoard Member

    @LegomanBill seems to have narrowed down when the WP stopped ordering custom headlights and started buying their engines stock.

    WP GP40 3515, Denver, CO, circa 1971 (Bob Jordan)

    WP GP40 3517, Denver, CO, circa 1971 (Bob Jordan)

    3515 was built in 1967. 3517 was built in 1970.
    Kurt Moose likes this.

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