MODELING It's Friday, 08/30/2013, Special Labor Day Weekend Modeling Plans

Jim Wiggin Aug 30, 2013

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    The last weekend of August and by some accounts, the last weekend of summer. The kids are back in school, giving sanity to those who are their parents, the days are getting shorter and naturally the stores are starting show Christmas items. For us railroad folks though, it maybe a long weekend to work on our beloved hobby.

    Two items fight to keep my time away from the hobby this long weekend. Work commitments as this is the busy time of year for model airplane shows in which to attend and get ready for and my domestic life. This weekend is no exception. Saturday Jared has soccer games all day tomorrow and Sunday both he and girlfriend Angela will want to be entertained and do something as a family that doesn't have trains, planes or Jeeps involved in it. Monday, Angela wants to go to her old home town for a midwest version of Old Home Days. Regardless of all the planned activities, I must work on my Maywood station T-Trak module since my club has the Decatur IL show coming up in two weeks. That will be my only goal railroad wise this weekend and even that seams like a stretch.

    So how about you? Will family commitments and BBQ's keep your hobby at bay, or will you be able to sneak in a few hours here and there? Maybe your lucky enough to be a bachelor and work on your railroad project unencumbered all weekend. What ever your domestic situation and plans, let us know, with pictures too of course. We'll all come back here on TUESDAY September the 3rd and see how we all did. Until then, have a happy and safe end to summer and...

    ​High Greens!
  2. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    No, the wife's still in Florida for 2 more weeks tending to her stubborn parents, our daughter is in Maine, and I've got 3 days to myself.

    I'm still working on the tannery. I'm going to push through with working on that, and try to get the 4 buildings painted, mortared and assembled. I got the last of the wall sections assembled last night while watching pre-season football.

    I've got a steamer, an IHC Mikado, that's been acting up. It may be a loose wire, or perhaps the rear truck that fell off the tender the other day has something to do with it. Either way, I may take it apart and paint the tender, and in the process re-badge it for the Milwaukee as I've been planning. There are also a couple of boxcar kits just screaming "Build me!" on my shelf, too.
  3. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    After recovering from Bedford last weekend, I have track laying and wiring chores awaitin . . .
  4. W Neal

    W Neal TrainBoard Member

    Hope to finish some of this:

    Trying to hide the entrances to my staging area:


    Thought I might try the ole "hide 'em under the bridge" trick. Here is a pictures of a classic Rix's bridge kit with the HO roadway in it. The reason for the strange angles of the piers and such will be revealed soon. MY wise guy friends tell me the bridge is supposed to be more 90 degrees to the tracks - but what do they know? :) Sorry for the overexposure in the photo below:


    Also trying my hand at a Potato(e) field. I tried spreading some mud in preparation for the crop rows. It kinda worked, sorta. Question what do potato plants look like in early fall?


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