MODELING It's Monday, 11/04/2013, Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Nov 4, 2013

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Another weekend is in the books and the chill is definitely in the air as Fall is getting closer to winter. How many are already tired of seeing Christmas commercials?

    Thursday through Sunday I was in Columbus Ohio for a work related model airplane show and I thought I would have nothing more to write here. Well low and behold I do. I found a vendor selling self adhesive strips of LED lights that can be cut like ribbon and positive and negative wires soldered anywhere you please. I immediately thought these would work well for lighting up my buildings such as "Ricks Place" on my T-Trak modules. I bought a foot of warm white LED ribbon and another vendor is shipping me a LED Dimmer so hopefully I will have this done in time for Milwaukee next weekend.

    So how about you? What did you accomplish over the weekend? Track work, scenery, DCC or painting? Whatever you worked on, let us know! A picture never hurt, hint, hint. We'll all come back on Friday the 8th to start it all over again.

    Also, just a note: I'll be working at the Milwaukee Trainfest next weekend at the Carstens Publications booth selling subscriptions, books and those popular Railroad Atlas maps. Stop by and say "hi" as I enjoy seeing the many modelers on Trainboard. It's also a good time to renew that Railroad Model Craftsman and Railfan subscription for only $25.00. Hope to see you there! Until next time....

    ​High Greens!
  2. MisterBeasley

    MisterBeasley TrainBoard Supporter

    I didn't expect to get much done, but I exceeded those expectations. As always, I had those tannery buildings on the table, and succeeded in getting almost all of the window glazing in. I first installed the ones I wanted to fog up with Dul-Coat along with the rest of the building, and after that was done I put in all the rest. That was the extent of my modeling, but I was "proactive" and ordered some things - metal wheelsets and trucks for the continuing job of replacing all those plastic wheels, and a different kind of truck from Classic Metal Works, because they were on sale at Trainworld and I needed some for the tannery. So, three shipments in transit to look forward to.

    I also finished up another non-modeling project. I've got a listing of all my freight cars, now, all ready to type into the computer. I already had about 60% of them, but I had not done it systematically so I had to go through all the cars and see which ones I already had on the list. In the process, I added information about which cars still had plastic wheels, and sorted them out in a box so I knew which were which.

    We went to a Halloween party on Saturday. I went as a locomotive engineer, complete with the blue-and-white hat, big "train" gloves and a red neckerchief. And, as I walked into the door to begin the work week, in the distance I heard a train whistle.
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    None. My best friend passed away suddenly Halloween evening. A big shock, kinda depressing and have not felt like doing much hobby stuff these past few days. Just watched some football games on TV, and talked a good amount with his widow on the phone. :(
  4. Oblivion

    Oblivion TrainBoard Member

    Did more than I expected to. The big project was 'DCC readying' my old N Bachmann F9s (decoder in one, wired the other for DC until I get another decoder):

    2013-11-03 16.12.47.jpg

    Also did some soldering of an old Zip Disk cable (25-pin straight trough) on a little turnout control panel I'm building for my 3'x3' "empire." Got one half done before my eyes were tired and it was time to watch some hockey. Might get to the layout half tonight if the Bears/Packers game gets too embarrassing too soon. No pics of this yet.
  5. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    So sorry to hear about your best friend Ken. Your in my prayers friend, stay strong.
  6. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    Well yesterday I got the up5 and ur91 panels wired and got all my loconet cables made. Got some cardboard strips cut so now I can start building a mountain.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  7. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    The BRS welcomed 3 new pieces of rolling stock this week:


    Gonna have to work on the first two - clearly one of these things is not like the other.

    The shop foreman also had an engaging discussion with one of his guys about when the track work crossing Bufkin's Bayou will be finished:


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