Layout Expansion

montanan Mar 18, 2013

  1. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    The round house is moving along. It might have interior lighting installed. I haven't decided yet. Installation of the inspection pits will be put on hold also until installation. The background hard shell scenery will have to be built before either the roundhouse ot turntable will find their final homes. IMAG0342.jpg
  2. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Well, I don't think any progress will be made this weekend. We are finally going to have a few warm days and I have to get things ready for the summer hopefully coming soon. Time to take the snow plow off of the tractor and mount the mowing deck. I sharpened the blades up and it should be ready to go. Have to do regular maintenence on a push mower, Gas weed eater and hedge trimmer. I have about a 2 acre lawn to keep up during the summer.
    Also, the Talledega race is on TV tomorrow.

    Jeeze, I'm tired already. Maybe I can get some work dome on some structures and the turntable. Have to see how much time is available.
  3. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    If it snows here next week, we all will know who to blame. The next door neighbor just fired up her mower, so now our yard will look shabby and we will be mowing this afternoon. There goes some valuable model RR time!
  4. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    The yard doesn't need mowing yet because it has been so cold, but with the moisture and warm temps forcasted, it could turn into a hayfield in a matter of days.
  5. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Looks like the expansion is going to be going slower than I planned. I have to get a few cars ready to go to Des Moines in July for the Mecum Auction. No serious work has to be done to these cars, mostly detailing work, but I really don't want to wait for the last minute to get them ready in case I find any problems. It's time to get some of these moved as the shop is so full, there's almost no room to work unless cars are moved outside.

    The lawn was finally mowed, and work on that yard control panel is getting started. Getting the parts list ready. I shouldhae a lot on hand, but they were put away in a safe place, and now I have to find the safe place. One backgrounf building has been completed, and work is slowly moving forward on others. Get some pictures up soon.
  6. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    You must be using the same filing system as mine. Works great.... Oh well.
  7. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    I spent a few hours on the internet and was finally able to find some more code 70 flex track at a reasonable price, and not have to buy a package of 10. While waiting for track and other accessories, I did manage to build a couple of the background building for the new town.
    IMAG0348.jpg IMAG0349.jpg
    Not too much time has been spent with the layout with warmner weather finally coming. Yard work has taken some of the available time, and figuring which cars I'm going to part with for the Mecum Auction in Des Moines in July is keeping me pretty busy. I think I have six to eight that will probably make the trip. Thankfully most of what I have are excellent barn finds and didn't require expensive restoration.
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Simply amazing these days, that any "barn finds" still can happen.
  9. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Here in Montana there are a lot of them. You just have to know some of the right people.
  10. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Now it's a waiting game. I managed to find an online retailer where I could get the code 70 flex track, and I also ordered a few building kits for the town. I figure with the lag time of shipping, it would be a good idea to stock up. I'm thinking of perhaps getting the hard shell up behind the roundhouse while I wait for the goodies to arrive.
  11. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Slowly, items are starting to arrive. I usually prefer to scratchbuild, but this little market looks interesting and fits so well into my layout. I can remember markets like this growing up and this should sturn into a decent building. IMAG0352.jpg
    I know exactly where it's going to go. Some more structures have also been ordered and slowly the town will move on.
  12. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Well, it's Memorial Day weekend an a little progress is being made. The track I ordered is apparently at the Post Office waiting to be picked up. We don't get mail delivery and I'll have to wait until Tuesday to pick it up. The freight station has been completed. I put a floor in the building, and will detail the interior as progress on the town moves forward. I think I will probably use the office part of the freight station as the main headquarters for the Logan Valley RR.

    IMAG0353.jpg IMAG0355.jpg IMAG0356.jpg

    Construction on the market has begun. This should be a great building for the time period I am modeling. I guess I can post pictures as the construction progresses.


    Don't know how much work will get done as we have people coming over both today, Sunday, and again on Monday, Memorial Day. I also will be heading out to cut some sagebrush for tree armatures. I have quite a few people wanting the stuff and I guess I should get my butt in gear and get it sent out.
  13. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Suddenly in an unitended part time business?
  14. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    I guess it could. All I am wanting for it is postage. Maybe I should charge for it.
  15. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    As we don't have sagebrush here, can you show a photo of some as collected? Maybe we have something similar.

    Sent from my Galaxy SII using Tapatalk 2
  16. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member


    I haven't gone to get it yet, but here are some pictures of trees made from sagebrush. I'll send a few pics when I get it.
    IMAG0169.jpg pictures 1180.jpg IMAG0009_BURST002.jpg pictures 1387.jpg pictures 1400.jpg
  17. Alan

    Alan Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    They look superb! I have plenty of "background" trees, but need bigger and better looking ones for the foreground areas.

    Sent from my Galaxy SII using Tapatalk 2
  18. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    IMAG0365.jpg Unfortunately I didn't get anywhere near as much done as I would have liked. We ended up having people over all weekend long. Sagebrush didn't get cut either as it has rained all week. A number of kits and some flex track did arrive so track laying can be completed shortly (I hope). I did manage to get most of the market built. All that's left is to put some signs on the building, add the stairs on the side of the building and put the roofing material. It's a great kit, but I did find out that the old eyeballs aren't what they used to be.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2013
  19. Colonel

    Colonel Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    you have been making some excellent progress while I have been away
  20. montanan

    montanan TrainBoard Member

    Here are a few pictures of how the market is coming along. I have to do some touch up on the green trim and add the awnings over the front windows and paint a few detail items such as produce bins to set out front. I don't know if I'll put the billboard on the roof yet. I may have another location I can use it for.

    The B&O dining car behind the market will become a fine dining restaurant. I'll have to scratch build a small building to put behind the dining car for customers to enter the car. That won't be any problem.

    I finally got the flex track in, but will have to wait for a but to complete the track laying to the turntable because I have to wait to get some kits I ordered from Walthers for fueling and sand so I know where the track will have to be laid. I would have like to scratch build these items, but I would like to get things speeded up a but so this part of the layout will be operational as soon as possible. I do have a few DPM lits for the town area, but will need some additional kits to complete the area.

    For the streets and parking area, I have picked up some cheap plastic "for sale" signs which will be laid over the plywood and scribe and painted to represent a concrete roadway. This could be an interesting project.

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